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Union Flag Carrier U. S. CIVIL WAR
Confederate Flag Carrier

(PAGE 2 OF 2)

Netherland Tavern
Netherland Tavern - 2001

On June 11, as Brigadier General Matthew C. Butler's Brigade, under Hampton, was being forced back towards the railroad, some of the men occupied the Netherland Tavern.(See June 11 map, above) The dismounted Union cavalry attacked on three sides. During a lull in the fighting, Mrs Lucy Hughson ran out of the building, onto the road, carrying her baby. A sharp command rang out and Union carbines were silenced and Confederates held their fire. Captain H. C. Orme, a Federal Officer from Phoenix, Arizona, galloped forward, lifting the baby from the mother's arms and escorted the mother and baby to safety. Not until they had disappeared from sight, did the firing resume. 1

1 - From "Battle of Trevilian Station" by Walbrook Davis Swank.


Cemetery Monument
Monument dedicated to the nearly 100 men, of both sides, who
lost their lives at the Battle of Trevilians and are buried here.

Cemetery Monument Text
Monument Text


Cemetery Monument
Thomas Price Ellicott

Towles Monument
The Sons of Reverend John & S. E. Towles

J. Logan Towles Robert C. Towles James H Towles
J. Logan Towles
Co. A, 4th Virginia Cav.
Born February 11, 1830
Killed in Battle
October 11, 1863

Robert C. Towles
Co. A, 4th Virginia Cav.
Born September 6, 1843
Mortally wounded in Battle
June 11,1864
Died, June 16, 1864

James H. Towles
Co. A, 4th Virginia Cav.
Born October 19, 1845
Killed in Battle
May 9, 1864


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