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(All Photographs taken June 24, 2001)
In our section about
Lt. Colonel John Pelham
we've included additional photographs of his grave site, which is located in
the City Cemetery in Jacksonville, Alabama
We placed the Jacksonville, Alabama Cemetery on our list of sites to visit because
Lt. Col. John Pelham, the "gallant" Pelham, is buried there.
However, our visit was frustrating. Usually, when a community has a historical
site, such as Pelham's grave, they place direction signs encouraging tourists to
visit it. We found no signs in Jacksonville directing us to their cemetery and/or
to Pelham's grave.
The only roadside marker about Pelham that we found in Jacksonville, was at the
Pelham Plaza shopping center. However, even though the cemetery is directly
behind the Plaza, the marker does not provide any directions.

Pelham Plaza, in Jacksonville, Alabama.
Pelham's Grave Monument, behind the plaza, is marked with an arrow.
We believe that Jacksonville, Alabama, is missing a considerable amount of tourist
dollars that would come from just a few directional signs and a little publicity
about the fact that Lt. Col. John Pelham (who was elected to the
Alabama Hall of
Fame) is buried in their cemetery.
Pelham's Grave Site