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Home » American Civil War Round Table of Queensland, Australia.




Source: (Pops)Peter Alexander

The American Civil War Round Table of Queensland, Inc. is a non-profit organization incorporated in the state of Queensland, Australia. Its members are civil war enthusiasts who meet each month at the Coorparoo RSL Club, 45 Holdsworth Street, Coorparoo, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia to study the history of the American Civil War.

The activities of the group include:
  • Round table discussions with guest speakers

  • Living history re-enactment camping and firearms handling

  • Board and tabletop gaming groups

  • Dinner parties and family social BBQ'S

We focus on learning and discussing Civil War history. We further get involved in preserving Civil War sites in Australia, researching Civil War history, writing Civil War articles, and participating in reenactments. We have regular monthly meetings --- usually on a Tuesday night of the third week of the month. Prominent Civil War Guest Speakers (including informed members from our own group) are invited to address our organization.

Our meetings are open to the public for free. We always welcome visitors and new members to join us. An interest in the American Civil War is the only qualification necessary to join the organization, and both Northern and Southern sentiments are welcome. It doesn't matter whether you are "just beginning to learn" or a "veteran of many years" on the subject, we welcome you all. Our group comes from all walks of life and each member brings in a different depth of knowledge regarding Civil War history.

We are a group of people interested in the Civil War; interested in studying aspects of it, in reenactments of events and battles, in learning more about it and for many other reasons relating to the subject. Some members have an intense interest in the study of various aspects of the war, some are devoted to research, some to collecting, and many to reenacting. Most members have a dedicated interest and enjoy reading, touring, listening to the presentations, and participating in full dress reenactments.

There are Round Table groups all over America and in many foreign countries. Australia has three. Some memberships are in the hundreds and some have only a dozen or so members. While there is no central organization for the Round Tables, a good relationship exists between all of them. Many swap newsletters and speakers and many members belong to Roundtable, Black Powder and Reenactment groups alike.

All in all, the American Civil War Round Table of Queensland makes for a very informative yet informal evening each month.


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