View From Bloody Angle - 1998
We are impressed with the Spotsylvania Battlefield. For some reason ---possibly
the battlefield signs; the brochures; Park Guides; or convenient access
feel it is one of the easier battlefields to visit and understand.
Heaven knows that it was a complicated and horrific battle. If you don't believe
that, read Matter's book "If It Takes All Summer" (which is one of the harder
books to read. The infinity of brigade movements makes you spend half your time
looking for maps).

Spotsylvania C. H. Stop Light.
(View coming from Fredericksburg.)
The battlefield is fairly easy to find. Get a map and locate Spotsylvania Court
House. If you come from Fredericksburg, turn right at the only stop light in
Spotsylvania C. H. If you're coming from the South, go straight through the stop
Spotsylvania National Park Service Exhibit Shelter.
The Battlefield entrance is about a mile or two down the road. There are tours
but you'll have to contact the park service for the schedule.

McCoull House Foundation - 1998.
Don't miss seeing the location of the McCoull house and note the size of the huge
tree now growing there. It'll give you some idea as to how much the forest has
grown since the war.
Civil War Photos
Spotsylvania C. H. Photos
> Visiting Spotsylvania