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Union Flag Carrier LEVEL THREE
Confederate Flag Carrier

1 - Confederate President Jefferson Davis was not in his office when he received a dispatch from Robert E. Lee warning that Richmond must be evacuated. Where was he at?


2 - "Johnson had done very well. His battle plan had been well-conceived and bold, he had taken Sherman by surprise, and he had contrived to isolate, at least for a day, one wing of the Federal army. Futhermore, his outnumbered and much-defeated soldiers had fought with great valor --- as had their Federal counterparts --- and unexpected, even extraordinary discipline. All that brave men could do, they did. If Hardee had arrived on time; if McLaws had not been diverted unnecessarily to the assistance of Hoke; and if Morgan had not fortified his position south of the Goldsboro road beyond the requirements of immediate necessity, the result might have been different. "

What Battle is being described?


3 - A number of Civil War battles were named differently by the South and the North. The South tended to name battles after the nearest town, while the North seemed to lean towards the name of the nearest river or stream.

The following columns list battles named by the North (1 through 10) and the South (A through J). Your job, should you chose to accept it, is to determine which names address the same battle. Your answer will consist of the ten Northern numbers combined with the related Southern letters separated by commas.(i.e. "1A, 2F, 3D, etc.").

  1 - Bull Run
2 - Antietam
3 - Stones River
4 - Pittsburg Landing
5 - Ball's Bluff
6 - Wilson's Creek
7 - Pea Ridge
8 - Chaplin Hills
9 - Chantilly
10 - Chickahominy
A - Oak Hills
B - Leesburg
C - Gaines' Mill
D - Sharpsburg
E - Shiloh
F - Manassas
G - Murfreesboro
H - Perryville
I - Elkhorn Tavern
J - Ox Hill


4 - The following 8 CSA/USA Brigade Commanders were killed on September 19-20, 1863:

Colonel Hans Christian Heg (USA)
Colonel Peyton H. Colquitt (CSA)
Colonel Philemon P. Baldwin (USA)
Brigadier General Benjamin H. Helm (CSA)
Colonel Edward A. King (USA)
Brigadier General Preston Smith (CSA)
Brigadier General William H. Lytle (USA)
Brigadier General James Deshler (CSA)

In which Battle were they killed?


5 - After the war, a historic building in Richmond, Virginia, which Lincoln said should be kept as a monument, was sold to a Cincinnati Doctor for $11,000. The Doctor had it dismantled and shipped to the Chicago World's Fair (1892-93) and rebuilt as an exhibition.

What was the building which Lincoln said should be a monument?


6 - Other than the extra word in the title, what was the difference between "The Army of Tennessee" and "The Army of the Tennessee"?


7 - The following three messages were sent by a CSA Colonel. From the content of the messages can you identify the Colonel and the battle being fought when he issued the messages?

To [General #1]:

"General: when our fire is at its best, I will advise General [#2] to advance."

To [General #2]:

"General: If you are to advance at all, you must come at once or we will not be able to support you as we ought. But the enemy's fire has not slackened materially and there are still 18 guns firing from the cemetery."

To [General #2]:

"For God's sake come quick. The 18 guns have gone. Come quick or my ammunition will not let me support you properly."

Name the Colonel and the battle.


8 - CSA President Jefferson Davis was kept a prisoner at what Fort from May 19, 1865 to May 13, 1867?


9 - "At one point, in a balloon operated by Professor ... , General Fitz-John Porter made an observation flight over Confederate lines. When the mooring broke, the balloon drifted over the enemy. Before the Confederates could fire on Porter, a changing wind carried him back to his own lines. Despite this problem, Professor ... continued his observation flights. This was an early step in the development of aerial reconnaissance."

What was the name of the Professor who made observation flights for the Union during the Civil War?


10 - Of whom did Robert E. Lee say,

"He has lost his left arm, but I have lost my right." ?


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