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Union Flag Carrier LEVEL THREE
Confederate Flag Carrier

What do you know about maps? What do you know about maps associated with the Civil War? Well, the first four questions deal with Civil War maps.

The following maps relate to some battle, location, or other event of the Civil War. For each map, enter the aspect of the Civil War it describes (ie. if it covers a particular battle, enter the name of the battle).

1 -

2 -

3 -

4 -

5 - So much for the maps! At the time of the Civil War the canal system was growing. For example, the Cabell canal in Richmond, Va. was being lengthened several hundred miles into West Virginia. What killed the canals? (No, it was not artillery!)


6 - According to U. S. Grant's autobiography, one of the few orders that he regretted giving was the June 3, 1864 attack at Cold Harbor. Historians differ greatly on the number of Union casualties on that day. Ernest Furgurson in his book "Not War But Murder" cites a range of figures and Gordon Rhea in his book "Cold Harbor, Grant and Lee" cites a figure completely different. In hundreds, list Rhea's and Furgurson's estimates of Union casualties at Cold Harbor on June 3, 1864. Since Furgurson's estimate is a range of numbers, your answer for Furgurson should fall within that range.


7 - In Lovell's painting of the "Surrender at Appomattox" there is an officer shown who was not in the McLean house at that time. It is said that he was on the porch and did not want to interrupt the meeting. Who was the Union officer, who would later gain fame in the West, that was present in the surrender room only via Lovell's brush?


8 - In 1848, a prominent politician said, in part,
"...Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better-- This is a most valuable, -- a most sacred right -- a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world--Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government, may choose to exercise it--Any portion of such people of an existing government may revolutionize, and make their own, of so much of the territory as they inhabit--More than this, a majority of any portion of such people may revolutionize, putting down a minority, intermingled with, or near about them, who may oppose their movement--Such minority, was precisely the case, of the Tories of our own revolution--It is a quality of revolutions, not to go by old lines, or old laws; but to break up both, and make new ones--..."

Who said that?

9 - In 1861, there were two presidents and vice-presidents in the former United States. Who was Lincoln's vice president during his first term, and Jefferson Davis' vice president during his term?


10 - Both Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson called this General's name from their deathbeds. Who was he?


U. S. Civil War Site > U. S. Civil War Quizzes > Level 3 Quizzes > Level-3,Quiz #1

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