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Union Flag Carrier LEVEL TWO
Confederate Flag Carrier

1) A famous Confederate General's sister was pro-union and a nurse. She said that she could take care of the wounded Feds as fast as her brother could wound them. Who was the Confederate General whose sister said that?

2) What famous Confederate General was called "King of Spades"?

3) "Catharine Furnace" figured prominently in what battle?

4) In April, 1865, while President Davis' flight from Richmond was occurring, Confederate Admiral Raphael Semmes went before General William Hartsuff, the Federal Commissioner in Greensboro, and insisted that he, Semmes, be allowed to sign his parole immediately, without waiting. He signed it "Rear Admiral in the Confederate States Navy and Brigadier General in the Confederate States Army, commanding a brigade". Why was Semmes so concerned over getting the parole signed promptly?

5) "In the course of the conversation ... [Lee] expressed himself surprised that his new adversary had placed himself in the same predicament as 'Fighting Joe' had done the previous Spring...he believed that his antagonist would be at his mercy while entangled in these pathless and entangled thickets, in whose thickets disparity of numbers lost much of its importance" Who was Lee's new adversary and what battle was imminent?

6) What was the name of the Army Jackson fought at Cedar Mountain?

7) "The commands of General Jackson, McLaws, and Walker, after accomplishing the objects for which they have been detached, will join the main body of the army..." From what order is this taken?

8) At what battle did Lee keep his army on the field for one extra day even though he knew his troops were not capable of any offensive action?

9) Lincoln asked an aide, after meeting with McClellan at Antietam, to name the Army that was there. The aide replied that it was the Army of the Potomac. Lincoln replied, "No,..." Finish Lincoln's remark.

10) Contrary to the testimony of Union officers at the battle, what battle has permanently stained Nathan Bedford Forrest's reputation?


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