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Map of Marye's Heights and the Sunken Road.
(The circled letters indicate where and in
what direction the photographs were taken.)

Cobb Monument   (D)
General Thomas R. R. Cobb was mortally wounded as he was directing his
troops in the Sunken Road following the repulse of the first Federal attack.
A projectile shattered his thigh and severed several arteries. He was
taken to a field hospital down telegraph road, but the efforts of the
Confederate surgeons were to no avail.
The Cobb Monument is one of the oldest in the Park. It was erected in 1917 by
the United Daughters of the Confederacy.

Site of Mrs. Martha Stevens's House - 2005   (E)
The reconstructed foundation marks the site where Martha Stevens's house was
located. The small dwelling witnessed the savagry, sacrifice, and heroism
which made up the Battle of Fredericksburg.

Engraving on the stone at Martha Stevens's House Site.   (E)

The Stevens's Graveyard   (F)
Mrs. Martha Stevens died in 1888 and is buried in this graveyard, enclosed by a
picket fence, which is behind the site of her house.

NPS Plaque at the Stevens's Graveyard - 1998   (F)
Stephens Family Cemetery
Buried here are eight members of the Innis, Mazeen, and Stephens families,
including the most famous of them all: Martha Stephens.
Local children knew Martha Stephens as "Granny." They also remembered her
ever-present apron, the pipe often clenched in her teeth, and her matronly
form. But Martha Stephens was no typical "Granny." At a time when women
rarely owned property, she owned no fewer than seven tracts, including a
92-acre farm in Spotsylvania County. For a time, she ran a saloon in her
home. A local resident remembered her as "uneducated [and] too free and
outspoken in what she said and did and how she did it."
When she died in 1888 at the age of 68, the local paper called her a "genial
spirit" and recalled her wartime efforts to aid the wounded during the Battle
of Fredericksburg. "Her ministrations will never be forgotten by those who
survive," the paper noted, "and companions of those who died will ever cherish
her memory."
NPS Interpretive Sign at the Stevens's Graveyard - 2005
Civil War Photos
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