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Tredegar Iron Works - 1865
Tredegar Iron Works (1865), with foot bridge to Neilson's Island, now called Brown's Island.
The current N.P.S. Visitors Center is at the location marked "
C ". (The exposed beams caused by an 1863 fire are visible.)

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Tredegar Iron Works (P1)
N.P.S. Visitors Center at Tredegar Iron Works (2002)

Tredegar Iron Works (P2)
N.P.S. Visitors Center at Tredegar Iron Works (2001)

  The Tredegar Iron Works, named for an iron works in Wales, covered nearly five acres during the Civil War and operated day and night to satisfy the demands of the Confederacy for artillery, ammunition, and other war-related materials.

Brigadier General 
   Joseph Reid Anderson 224
Brigadier General Joseph Reid Anderson

Tredegar was run successfully by Joseph Reid Anderson from the time he took it over in 1848, until September 3, 1861, when he received a commission as a Brigadier General in the Confederate States Army. He fought in A.P. Hill's Division until wounded at Frayser's Farm in June, 1862. Shortly thereafter (July, 1862), he resigned his commission and returned to run Tredegar. His return to Tredegar was probably the best thing that happened to the C.S.A. regarding cannon production.

Tredegar, along with other smaller foundries in Richmond, produced almost 1,100 field and siege cannon, including one that was mounted on a railroad flat car. Its rolling mills produced armor plating that protected the casemates of several southern warships, including the C.S.S. Virginia.

After the Civil War, Tredegar never cast cannon. Markets for railroad spikes, freight cars, and car wheels, as well as horseshoes, kept the firm profitable.

Today, the Tredegar Iron Works serves as the main visitor center for the Richmond National Battlefield Park. It includes three floors of exhibits with unique artifacts on loan from other Civil War history institutions.

Source: Richmond National Park Service, and others.

Tredegar Iron Works (P2)
    Visible, in the photograph above, are:

      A - The outside elevator to the upper level.
      B - The Carpenter Shop.
      C - The Pattern Building, being used as the N.P.S. Visitor Center.
      D - Entrance to the N.P.S./A.C.W.C. common reception area, on the first floor of the Pattern Building, is directly from the parking lot.

Tredegar Map
Tredegar Iron Works - Approximate 19th Century Configuration
(Source: National Park Service, Library of Congress, and others.)

This map shows roughly the locations of the major buildings at Tredegar during the war. Buildings still in existence are in red and marked with letters. Buildings not in existence today are in white and marked with numbers.

The Buildings in existence today are:

    B - The Carpenter Shop.
    C - The Pattern Building (Currently the N.P.S. Visitors Center).
    D - 1861 Gun Foundry (Currently the American Civil War Center).
    E - Office.
    F - Company Store 1868.

The Buildings not in existence today are:
1 - Spike Mill.
2 - Rolling Mill.
3 - Worker Housing.
4 - Worker Housing.
5 - Worker Housing.
6 - Locomotive Shop.
7 - Old Foundry.
8 - Boring Mill.
9   - Machine Shop.
10 - Boiler Shop.
11 - Blacksmith Shop.
12 - Brass Foundry and Office.
13 - Armory Rolling Mill.
14 - Confederate States Armory.
15 - Carwheel Foundry.
16 - Warehouse and Grain Elevator.


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